Saturday, November 12, 2011

What's Been Happening in Co-op This Week?

In Human Anatomy Co-op:

We discussed the Endocrine System and the Excretory System. Amy S. jumped in to teach this week and did a great job. I love that all our kids look forward to science class. Is it like that everywhere? It certainly wasn't like that for me growing up. But if I'd have been able to cut out and glue in the body parts as I learned about each one, I think I would have been hooked. It was also helpful to be able to see how the kidney filters out impurities by watching blue water filter through several layers of coffee filters and come out clear on the other side.

In Writing Co-op:

George B. led our IEW SWI-A class today. We didn't have a new lesson to watch on the video today, so we took time today to let each child read the writing assignment that they had been working on over the last two weeks and anything else that they may have written on their own. At this age, I'm glad we are really taking it easy and making sure that they are learning each of the new dress-ups. It's incredible to see how much the kids have taken to writing since starting this class in September. They are all doing really well and love sharing their work with the group.

In American History Co-op:

I am falling in love with history this year. The story is fascinating. I grew up dreading having to memorize dates and birthdays and first, middle, and last names. It was torture. Most definitely not interesting and captivating. Wow, how surprising to enjoy it so much myself now. 

So this week we've been studying the Pilgrims on the Mayflower and the Mayflower Compact. Amy C. brought an activity for the kids that was meant to help them understand how difficult it must have been for so many people to come to an agreement and sign a contract promising that they would all work together as a group and that they would follow the decisions of their elected leader. We asked the kids to work together to come up with their own Compact. It was actually hilarious to hear them debate and vote and try to come to some compromises, but in the end they were all able to sign their name to their group compact. What a great lesson in teamwork and leadership.

Then we did a fun math activity that gave everyone a little extra practice in graphing. The final result was a cute drawing of the Mayflower.

And to finish up the class, we all worked on a 3-D map of the route the Mayflower took across the Atlantic.The kids liked that the Mayflower could actually move across the water (due to a little slit that is cut into the map.)

Co-op Play Practice:

We are all looking forward to our co-op family Thanksgiving Dinner and Skit Night coming up next Friday. The kids practiced their lines for the first time together today, and we all decided we needed to schedule one more day for a dress rehearsal. 

Getting Real:

Almost all of the children were out of sorts today (that's the nicest way I can put how they were acting during break time), but I keep trusting that God will continue to work His character into them. It's humbling to think that He has chosen us (the other moms and me) to help guide them and lead them up in His Ways. Some days I feel like I'm completely inadequate for this task, but somehow He always shows me that He is strong in my weakness. What an awesome and loving God we serve!

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